Monday, January 17, 2011

Era of the Headhunters

Skulls of the enemies 
Centuries ago the Ibans were feared because of their bravery in war and were acknowledged as the headhunters. This tradition of headhunting is called "ngayau" in Iban language. The Ibans practiced the tradition in order to protect their land from being populated by others. They also believed that whoever managed to chop off their enemy's head the most would be recognized as "Bujang Berani" (brave man). The elders would choose a brave man to be their son-in-law in order to ensure he could guard his family as well as to maintain their family social status. However, the bachelors were not merely the ones who need to prove themselves but also married men because the Ngayau tradition was not merely acted as a symbol of bravery but also as a symbol of manliness and social status. 

Other than protecting their own land, the Ibans were known as cruel warriors as they tend to wipe out their enemies during war. Researchers had found out that certain ethnics had been wiped out by the Ibans such as Seru and Bliun while others were forced to move away.

Nowadays, this tradition has been completely banned. In fact, the Iban are known because of their good attitude when welcoming guest to their place.   

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